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- Roqya for anyone, hear it and repeat what you hear then you will feel good enchallah.
- Simple design.
- No Internet required.
- if you have any comments please don't hesitate to contact us.
- If you like the app please rate it and share it with friends and leave a comment.
- You can contact us if you have any comments.

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Check Internet
- Many times we don't know if our smart phone has internet connection or not so this program came to help you to be sure that you have internet or not ( from wireless or 3G ).
- if you have any comments please don't hesitate to contact me.
- a program that you can trust.
- If you like the app please rate it and share it with friends and leave a comment.
- You can contact us if you have any comments.

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Arabic English Dictionary
- Arabic English Dictionary can help you find the meaning of words.
- Works offline - no need to internet connection.
- Translate from Arabic to English and vice verse.
- More than 100000 words.
- Small size you can download it via 3G.
- Listen to the definitions.
- If you like the app please rate it and share it with friends and leave a comment.
- You can contact us if you have any comments.

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Live from Mecca & Madena
- Live Broadcasting from Mecca & Madena.
- Simple Design.
- Small Size can be downloaded from 3G.
- If you like the app please rate it and leave comment and share it with friends.

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Draw and Paint
- Draw and Paint application designed for kids
- Small size can be downloaded via 3G
- No need to be connected to internet.
- Can save your drawings.
- If you like the app please rate it and share it with friends and leave a comment.
- You can contact us if you have any comments.

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Arabic Popular Sayings Stories
The application contains a group of Arab proverbs Includes stories.
- No need for Internet connection.
- Small size and can be downloaded through 3G.
- If you like the app please rate it and share it with friends and leave a comment.
- You can contact us if you have any comments.

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Road Signs
The Idea of this application came to help people know International Road Signs in all different types and can test your information of what did you learn by the test option, so every time you test your self you will get different questions and every question you find a Road sign and four choice to choose the meaning of what that road sign means.

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Age till now
The Application helps you to calculate how many passed from age till now, and it shows how many passed from yr age in months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds. And how many days left to your next birthday. and shows the name of the day when you was born and sure it displays the hijri date when you was born.

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Learn with Me Arabic Letters
I present this app for every family want to learn her kids arabic letters. Learn with Me Series Arabic Letters app designed for our children who is in KG, so the kids can hear and view all letters and can see how the letter will be if it will occur in the first of the word or on the middle or in the end of the word.

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Jozaa Amma Ahmad Alajami

a free application that contains Jozaa Amma from Holy Quran by Shaikh Ahmad Alajami, just download and begin hearing Jozaa Amma.
- Auto playing.
- Repeat Soora option.
- Shuffle Option.
- Stop playing when call comes.
- Play in background.
- working without internet.
- Small size can be downloaded via 3G.
- If you like the app, feel free to rate it and share it.
- Don't forget us from your Sincere Prayers.
- I wish from Allah to accept this Application from me, my family and from whole muslims.


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Learn English Alphabets

Learn with Me English Alphabets for pre-school kids, this app dedicated for our pre-school kids they can hear the pronunciation of the alphabet and see how the alphabet write in capital letter and in small letter with an image related to the alphabet. after learning the kid can test what he learns by choosing make quiz.


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Jozaa Amma Maher Al Muaqly

a free application that contains Jozaa Amma from Holy Quran by Shaikh Maher al Muaqly, just download and begin hearing Jozaa Amma.
- Auto playing.
- Repeat Soora option.
- Shuffle Option.
- Stop playing when call comes.
- Play in background.
- working without internet.
- Small size can be downloaded via 3G.
- If you like the app, feel free to rate it and share it.
- Don't forget us from your Sincere Prayers.
- I wish from Allah to accept this Application from me, my family and from whole muslims.


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Learn Holy Quran for Kids

Teach your children to read the holy quran by the voice of Sheikh Abdelhadi Alkanakri Repeat with the kids and without the need to connect to the Internet
Application includes Jozaa Amma.
- Auto playing.
- Repeat Soora option.
- Shuffle Option.
- Stop playing when call comes.
- Play in background.
- working without internet.


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English Dictionary

- قاموس انجليزي انجليزي.
- يعمل دون الحاجة للاتصال بالانترنت.
- يترجم من انجليزي الى الانجليزية.
- اكثر من 170000 كلمة.
- حجم صغير يمكنك من تحميله عبر شبكة الاتصالات 3G.
- استمع للفظ الكلمة .
- اذا اعجبكم التطبيق الرجاء مشاركته مع الاصدقاء وتقيمه وترك تعليق.
- الرجاء الاتصال بنا في حال وجود اي ملاحظات.


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Calculate it correct

هل تعشق التحدي؟ اذا كنت ممن يعشق التحدي فتطبيق احسبها صح يساعدك على ممارسة التحدي ضمن تمرين العقل على حل مسائل الرياضيات بالمراحل الثلاث المختلفة وهي المرحلة الاولى السهلة ومن ثم المرحلة المتوسطة الصعوبة ومن ثم المرحلة الثالثة الاخيرة وهي الصعبة حيث يتوجب عليك حل المسائل في وقت قصير جدا.
- يجب عليك احراز ١٠٠٠ نقطة في المستوى الاول لكي تستطيع لعب المستوى الثاني.
- يجب عليك احراز ٥٠٠ نقطة في المستوى الثاني لكي تستطيع لعب المستوى الثالث.
- يتم زيادة روح لك في المرحلة الاولى كل ٢٠٠٠ ذهبة


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Old Proverbs Encyclopedia

المثل من أكثر الأشكال التعبيرية الشعبية انتشارا وشيوعا، حيث نجدها تعكس مشاعر الشعوب وتجسد أفكارها وتصوراتها وعاداتها وتقاليدها ومعتقداتها وتجاربها ومعظم مظاهر حياتها فهي بذلك عصارة حكمة الشعوب وذاكرتها. وتتسم الأمثال بسرعة انتشارها وتداولها من جيل إلى جيل، وانتقالها من لغة إلى أخرى عبر الأزمنة والأمكنة، بالإضافة إلى إيجاز نصها وجمال لفظها وكثافة معانيها.
- يمكن تنزيله عبر 3G.
- أكثر من 900 مثل.
- نرجو ترك تعليق.
- نرجو مشاركته مع الاصدقاء.


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Hesen Al Muslim

تعرف على ادعية حصن المسلم والتي فيها الفائدة للجميع.
فضل الذكر
قال الله تعالى:{ فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرُواْ لِي وَلاَ تَكْفُرُونِ }
{ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ ذِكْراً كَثِيراً}
{ وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيراً وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ أَعَدَّ اللَّهُ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةً وَأَجْراً عَظِيماً}
{ وَاذْكُر رَّبَّكَ فِي نَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّعاً وَخِيفَةً وَدُونَ الْجَهْرِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالآصَالِ وَلاَ تَكُن مِّنَ الْغَافِلِينَ }
وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم :" مثل الذي يذكر ربه والذي لا يذكر ربه مثل الحي والميت "


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استمع الى عظمة قول لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين وكررها دائما وابدا وسترى العجاب في تفريج الهم.
اللهم تقبل مني هذا التطبيق صدقة جارية عني وعن عائلتي وعن جميع المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات، واسآل الله العلي القدير سامع الدعاء ومجيبه ان يغفر لي ولوالداي وعائلتي ولمن له حق علينا.
"لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين"


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